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Showing 1–12 of 178 results

8th 9th and 10th Books of Moses

This is an excellent resource for rootworkers. The author compiled a lot of great information on Moses including history, drawings, and references to biblical sources. There are seals and spells for many purposes and a wonderful chapter called "The Great Voodoo Man of the Bible.
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Adam and Eve

Carry our Adam and Eve roots with you in your pocket - to help continually strengthen the love of your mate.

Adam and Eve Bath Soap and Floor Wash

This Adam & Eve Bath Soap and Floor Wash is designed to draw two lovers together forever, or to help bring back a lost love. All of our products are made from the finest quality, purest ingredients.

Alligator Claw

Carry this special Alligator Claw with you for a strong luck blessing. Comes with a special oil for anointing. Designed to help with gambling, luck and protection. Let the Alligator Claw work for you!

Almond Oil

Lovely aromas to relax your body and refresh your spirit! Finest quality, widest assortment, direct from The Lucky Candle to You!

Altar Cross Candle

Our Altar Cross Candle, is intended for divine worship. It is a simple and powerful symbol of faith, and is perfect for your altar and to practice your candle magic. Many candle burning rituals call for Altar Candles to be used. Our Altar Cross Candle is exactly what is referenced in many spell books like Anna Riva's Candle Burning Magic. It also can be used to add spiritual power to your altar, or help answer your prayers. This candle is available in white, black red or green. Please specify your candle color when placing your order.

Attraction Incense

Are you looking to draw the affections of someone even closer to you? Then our Attraction Incense is just what you need to bring that someone special even closer. Burn this powder incense several times a day throughout your home and place of work. We also strongly suggest using our Attraction Incense along with other products like our Attraction Oil for the best results.

Attraction Oil

This potent and specially formulated Attraction Oil is designed to draw your lover close to you and only you! This powerful oil can also be used to attract more money, more friends, and/or more love -- anything that you strongly desire!

Bayberry Oil

Lovely aromas to relax your body and refresh your spirit! Finest quality, widest assortment, direct from The Lucky Candle to You!

Blockbuster Candle

Specially formulated in house, this Seven-Day Blockbuster Candle will remove what is blocking your path and help you achieve your goals.
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Blue Sonata Oil

Lovely aromas to relax your body and refresh your spirit! Finest quality, widest assortment, direct from The Lucky Candle to You!

Book of Charms, Spells and Formulas

In Charms, Spells & Formulas, you'll find rituals and recipes for incenses, oils, powders and washes that you can use to make changes in your life. This book provides different methods of magic, voodoo and prayer to accomplish what you want.

Showing 1–12 of 178 results