Century of Spells


More than 100 time-tested, easy-to-use spells that really work.

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More than 100 time-tested, easy-to-use book of spells that really work – “A Century of Spells” contains more than 100 useful spells from magic traditions from all over the world.

Learn how to cast spells with water, oils, herbs, and spoken words. And, more importantly learn how to reverse any spell! A Century of Spells includes how to make baths for spiritual growth, beauty, harmony, self-discipline, and beginning and ending relationships. With simple kitchen ingredients- garlic, thyme, basil, and sage- learn to make a bath to release negativity. Plus, includes instructions on how to use more than 40 herbs, from Adam & Eve Root to Yarrow. Recipes like “Four Thieves Vinegar,” a salad dressing and magic spring tonic. Spoken spells for protection from traditions as diverse as Pennsylvania Dutch and African. 150 pages