Break-Up Bath Soap and Floor Wash
For those looking for some spiritual assistance in ending a relationship, this is the perfect product for you. Break-Up Bath and Floor Wash is designed to help you get out of a relationship or complicated situation. All of our Bath Soaps and Floor Washes are made-up of the finest quality and purest ingredients.
8 in stock
Looking to get out of a relationship, but fearful of how your partner will react? Or are you looking to break-up a relationship of two people? Then, this speciality Bath & Floor Wash is designed to help you or a loved one get out of a relationship or complicated situation.
Specially prepared bath & floor wash in 8oz plastic bottle.
Instructions for use:
For Bath Use – Fill your tub with water, add 1/2 of the contents into the water and soak in the tub for 15 minutes while concentrating on your desire. Use for two baths.
For Floor Wash Use – Add half of the contents into a gallon of cold water and mop your floors from the back of your home to the front. Use for two floor washes.